Teaching and E Learning
Useful resources to aid revision, or boost portfolio. Several of the e learning modules can be linked to the progress + curriculum.
Panopto Advance
All Paediatric trainees in NW have access to ST1-3 and ST4-8 teaching sessions from last few years. Requires Username and Password which are provided by the trust.
RCPCH Learning
Several online e learning courses available including “Bacterial meningitis & meningococcal Septicaemia”, “Cleft Palate: Examination in the Newborn” and “Healthy Development in Young people”. Click on the link to explore the full cataloge. Requires RCPCH account membership.
E-Learning for Healthcare
Can be accessed via unique logins from your trust or via open athens. Wide range of e learning topics available. Try searching for “paediatrics” or a specific specialty or topic (i.e “congenital heart disease” “NIPE”) to see whats available.
An eLearning programme which aims to improve prescribing competency and safety among specialist paediatric trainees. Endorsed by RCPCH. Free with an NHS.uk or NHS.net address.